I'm astonished You'll be a good parent when you're ready to no longer be selfish. Until I was about 35, it was all about me. I look back and I'm astonished at how I lived my life - it was totally self-involved. Pears Peas Peasant Peasants Pebble Pebbles Peck Pecking Peculiar Peculiarities Peculiarity Peculiarly Pecuniary Pedal Pedant Pedantic Pedantry Pedestal Pedestals Pedestrian Pedestrians Pediatrician Pedigree Pedophiles Peek Peel Peeling Peeping Peeps Peer Group Pressure Peers Peg Peggy Lee Pele Pell Grants Pelosi Pen Penal Penalized Penalties Penalty Penance Pencil Pencils Pending Pendulum Penetrate Penetrated Penetrates Penetrating Penetration Penguin Penicillin Peninsula Penitentiary Penn State Pennant Pennants Penned Pennies Pennsylvania Penny Earned Saved Pens Pension Pensions Pent Pentagon Pentecostal Change Magazine Person Say Peopled Peoples Pep Pepper Peppers Pepsi Per Perceive Perceived Perceives Perceiving Percent Increase Percentage Percentages Perceptible Perception Perceptions Perceptive Perceptual Perchance Perched Percussion Perdition Perennial Perfect Circle Example Fit Freedom Harmony Job Life Love Man Moment Night People Person World Perfected Perfecting Perfection Perfectionism Perfectionist Perfectionists Perfections Perfectly Clear Perfects Perform Performance Art Performances Performed Performer Performers Performing Arts Performs Perfume Perfumes Perhaps Peril Perilous Perils Period Periodic Periodical Periodically Periods Peripheral Periphery Perish Perishable Perished Perishes Perishing Perjury Perk Persecuted PersecutionPerseverance